Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Our Policy and Initiative to Sustainability

Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

This report provides an easily understandable and comprehensive report, for interested persons, on the approaches, initiatives, results, issues and current direction of the Mitsubishi Materials Group ("the Group") with regard to sustainable management. It is also intended to elicit opinions and help us to continuously improve the standard of our activities. This report is produced by referencing the core options of the GRI Standards. From the fiscal year ended March 2021, this report is published only on the website and electronically (PDF).


Qualitative data: Including Group companies, with Mitsubishi Materials Corporation playing a central role.
Quantitative data: Data on Group companies is as follows.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions include 84 consolidated subsidiaries for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and 46 major consolidated subsidiaries for Scope 3 emissions.
  • Other environmental data is for major 46 consolidated subsidiaries with manufacturing facilities
  • Compliance training data refers to the main companies subject to Compliance/Risk management activities (74 companies)
  • Safety data relates to the 34 major consolidated subsidiaries

Apart from the above, figures related to Mitsubishi Materials on a non-consolidated basis

  • For the purposes of this report, the terms “Mitsubishi Materials” and “the Company” refer to Mitsubishi Materials on a non-consolidated basis.

Key Changes to Organizations Subject to Reporting

From the fiscal year ended March 2024, the following have been partially excluded from consolidation.

  • Kitakyushu Ash Recycle Systems Co., Ltd. (Business terminated on May 1, 2024)

In addition, the following have been added to consolidation.

  • Material Business Support Corporation (Established on April 1, 2023)

The polycrystalline silicon business was transferred on 31 March 2023, but is basically included in the actual figures for the period covered.


The fiscal year ended March 2024 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)

  • This report may also include information from April 2024 onwards, in an effort to provide the most up-to-date information on the Group.

Date of Publication

August 2024 (previous:August 2023)


GRI Standards 2021
GRI Susainability Reporting Guidelines Sector Disclosures (Mining and Metals)

  • A GRI Content Index is available via the Sustainability section of our website.

Principal Reporting Tools

We systematically disclose information on the Group, mainly via the following reporting tools.

Name Summary
Sustainability report It is a comprehensive report of the plans, objectives, initiatives, results, and detailed data related to the Mitsubishi Materials Group’s sustainability sector’s management and material issues.
Integrated Report We produce an annual report to containing information about the business direction of the MMC Group, such as financial, management and general business information. Its content is reported in an integrated manner, focusing on both financial and non-financial aspects.
Website and Sustainability site This section features content that supplements the reporting tools above, including Sustainability data lists, previously reported information, and reports on other activities.

The Process of Compiling

We place great importance on the process of compiling this report. The process is designed with the aim of improving transparency and reliability as a company, in the interests of accountability (with regard to external parties), and tying in with promoting the Group's sustainable management.

Improving Transparency and Reliability
Having examined and identified eleven “material issues” from two axes according to their importance to various stakeholders and their importance in light of Our Commitment, they provide the basic framework for both our Sustainability activities and its reports. As the environment is constantly changing around us, not least in terms of stakeholder trends, we review our material issues on a regular basis. We also keep a close eye on matters of interest to our stakeholders, their expectations and business conditions, so that we can check and adjust the contents of our reports in precise detail. To keep track of matters of interest to our stakeholders, their expectations and other related trends, we gather information from individual departments, based on sources such as questionnaires from ESG investors, responses to reader questionnaires, and intensive internal interviews prior to the compilation of the current report. We hold Stakeholder Meetings to discuss topics of particular importance. Meetings also help to establish a clear understanding of social issues, from various different angles, and to examine details of Group initiatives.
We also obtain an “independent assurance,” to assist in comprehensively evaluating the contents of our reported figures against international requirements in an effort to improve transparency and reliability.
Promoting Sustainability Activities Based on Communication
We make the most of communication activities, as part of the process of compiling this report, to improve our ability to promote sustainability activities, by establishing a shared understanding and raising awareness of changes in the external environment for example. We conduct hearings with the relevant head office and corporate division as needed, and not only coordinate the reporting, but also exchange opinions and share information about matters of interest or concern to stakeholders, issues for the future, and the direction of our activities. Asking relevant departments to produce articles for this report, and then exchanging opinions regarding the draft report once it has been compiled, enables departments to review their sustainability activities from an external perspective and helps to develop a shared understanding of their strategic significance.