Sustainability Data List (Non-Consolidated and Consolidated)

Sustainability Data List (Non-Consolidated and Consolidated)

The Environment

(1) Input Unit 2019.4-2020.3 Non-consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 Non-consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 Non-consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Raw material input Total kilotons 17,529 16,597 16,882 4,019
Breakdown Waste kilotons 2,233 2,128 2,085 227
Byproducts kilotons 1,084 994 1,072 325
Natural resources kilotons 14,157 13,408 13,646 3,278
Processed items and components kilotons 55 66 79 189
Percentage of recycled raw materials used % 18.9 18.8 18.7 13.7
Energy input Total TJ 40,015 40,452 40,390 29,400
Breakdown Electricity GWh 1,006 1,099 1,113 1,997
Fuel (crude oil equivalent) Megaliters 782 770 765 232
non-renewable energy TJ 1,006 1,099 1,093 1,945
(1) Input Unit 2019.4-2020.3 consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Water intake Total water intake thousand m3 per year 693,147 667,987 687,683 355,299
Water withdrawal by source Fresh surface water (including rainwater, wetland water, rivers and lakes) thousand m3 per year 8,264 8,451 8,147 7,506
Brackish surface water/Seawater thousand m3 per year 632,920 608,598 633,852 311,712
Groundwater (renewable) thousand m3 per year 10,500 9,903 5,109 777
Groundwater (non-renewable potential) thousand m3 per year N/A N/A N/A N/A
Associated/Incidental water thousand m3 per year N/A N/A N/A N/A
Third-party water source thousand m3 per year 41,913 41,035 40,575 35,303
(2) Output Unit 2019.4-2020.3 Non-consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 Non-consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 Non-consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Greenhouse gas emissions Total (CO2 equivalent) kilotons 7,540 7,320 7,250 1,916
Breakdown Derived from energy source kilotons 3,204 3,157 3,114 1,592
Derived from processes kilotons 3,854 3,716 3,681 1
Derived from waste kilotons 462 428 434 285
Other kilotons 19 19 21 38
Scope1 Total (CO2 equivalent) kilotons 7,015 6,784 6,736 919
Scope2 Total (CO2 equivalent) kilotons 525 536 514 997
Scope3 Total (CO2 equivalent) kilotons  - 2,913 3,263 11,972
Breakdown 1.Purchased goods and services kilotons  - 1,290 1,563 3,995
2.Capital goods kilotons  - 114 105 284
3. Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 kilotons  - 505 525 229
4.Transportation and delivery (upstream) kilotons  - 572 617 751
5.Waste generated in operations kilotons  - 1 2 25
6.Business travel kilotons  - 0 0 3
7.Employee commuting kilotons  - 2 2 8
8.Leased assets (upstream) kilotons  - N/A N/A N/A
9.Transportation and delivery (downstream) kilotons  - 120 126 183
10.Processing of sold products kilotons  - 202 215 449
11.Use of sold products kilotons  - N/A N/A N/A
12.End-of-life treatment of sold products kilotons  - 106 107 5
13.Leased assets (downstream) kilotons  - N/A N/A N/A
14.Franchises kilotons  - N/A N/A N/A
15.Investments kilotons  - N/A N/A 6,038
(2) Output Unit 2019.4-2020.3 consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Water discharged Total Water discharged thousand m3 per year 687,997 663,918 681,685 356,426
Emissions by water discharge destination Fresh surface water thousand m3 per year 40,750 40,969 33,261 31,024
Brackish surface water/Seawater thousand m3 per year 645,004 620,720 645,939 323,010
Groundwater thousand m3 per year N/A N/A N/A N/A
Third-party dischargers thousand m3 per year 2,243 2,229 2,485 2,393
Total consumption thousand m3 per year 5,150 4,068 5,998 -1,127
  • Water consumption in FY2022 is negative due to the normal calculation method. This is because the amount of wastewater discharged from the mine wastewater treatment exceeded the actual water consumption. This situation is part of our sustainable resource management and is a unique case that cannot be expressed using the normal calculation method.
(2) Output Unit 2019.4-2020.3 Non-consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 Non-consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 Non-consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Emissions into the air SOx tons 730 1,084 786 2,682
NOx tons 9,542 10,560 10,756 867
Soot and dust tons 221 197 142 165
Emissions into water BOD tons 72 46 31 283
COD tons 23 24 27 316
Nitrogen tons 125 139 159 287
Phosphorus tons 0 0 0 6
Volume of industrial waste Total tons 12,987 14,982 13,970 44,830
Breakdown Hazardous Sent to be recycled tons 2,325 1,945 1,733 2,926
Sent to landfill tons 5,907 8,335 6,553 20,263
Non-hazardous Sent to be recycled tons 48 180 207 4,449
Sent to landfill tons 4,706 4,522 5,477 17,192
Chemicals released and transferred Amount released into Atmosphere tons 34 48 47 39
Public waters tons 34 27 31 93
Soil tons 0 0 0 0
Landfills tons 0 0 0 50
Amount transferred to Sewers tons 0 0 0 1
Waste tons 51 48 42 185
(3) Spending on environmental preservation Unit 2019.4-2020.3 Non-consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 Non-consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 Non-consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Investment Business area costs millions of yen 1,506 2,500 4,848 14,556
  Pollution prevention costs millions of yen 885 1,404 4,089 2,500
Global environmental conservation costs millions of yen 442 813 641 11,808
Resource recycling costs millions of yen 179 283 118 247
Upstream/downstream costs millions of yen 0 0 0 13
Administration costs millions of yen 108 58 46 68
R&D costs millions of yen 3 3 2 35
Social activity costs millions of yen 0 0 0 0
Environmental remediation costs millions of yen 26 14 15 5
Costs Business area costs millions of yen 5,606 6,584 6,821 15,743
  Pollution prevention costs millions of yen 2,605 2,867 3,426 10,101
Global environmental conservation costs millions of yen 369 326 450 475
Resource recycling costs millions of yen 2,632 3,390 2,946 5,167
Upstream/downstream costs millions of yen 0 0 0 1
Administration costs millions of yen 269 342 272 1,615
R&D costs millions of yen 13 22 32 53
Social activity costs millions of yen 11 10 13 13
Environmental remediation costs millions of yen 105 102 144 142
  • * 1: The data on the volume of industrial waste represent values reported in accordance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act.
  • * 2: The data on chemicals released and transferred represent values reported under the Japanese Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system.
(4) Other Unit 2019.4-2020.3 Non-consolidated 2020.4-2021.3 Non-consolidated 2021.4-2022.3 Non-consolidated 2022.4-2023.3 consolidated
Number of environmental law violations cases 0 0 0 0


  • *1 Beginning with the FY2024, a breakdown of all employees (consolidated) by gender is disclosed.
  • *2 Calculated based on the input classification in the internal personnel data. Part-time and part-time employees are not included.
  • *3 Beginning with the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, the percentage of non-permanent employees in the total number of employees (consolidated) is disclosed.
  • *4 The number of regular employees who left the company in FY2023 (those who left the company because they reached the mandatory retirement age, those who left the company because of the expiration of the period of absence, and those who left the company voluntarily)/ The number of regular employees at the end of FY2023
  • *5 In April 2021, the existing mandatory retirement age was raised from 60 to 65 years old.
  • *6 Calculated in accordance with the Law on the Promotion of Women's Advancement in Professional Life. While there is a difference in pay between women and men due to different percentages of men and women in managerial positions and other roles, there are no gender-based differences in the wage systems and structures themselves.
  • *7 Number of group companies to which employees receiving education and training belonged: 67 in 2019, 62 in 2020, 53 in 2021, and 38 in 2022. From fiscal 2022, the number of participants in education and training includes non-regular employees as well as regular employees.
  • *8 Occupational accidents frequency rate and incident rate do not include accidents during commuting or minor injuries.


    Year 2019 Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022
Corporate governance* Number of directors Non-consolidated 11 10 10 10
Number of outside directors Non-consolidated 6 6 6 7
Number of female directors Non-consolidated 1 1 1 2
Percentage of female directors Non-consolidated 9.1% 10.0% 10.0% 20.0%
Remuneration for directors (total) Non-consolidated 273million yen 245million yen 235million yen 219million yen
  • As of the close of the General Meeting of Shareholders for the year in question.
    2019.4-2020.3 2020.4-2021.3 2021.4-2022.3 2022.4-2023.3
Amount of donations to political groups   Non-consolidated 804thousand yen 633thousand yen 571thousand yen 340thousand yen
In-house reporting Number of reports and inquiries received through the in-house reporting system Non-consolidated & Group companies 58cases 54cases 47cases 65cases
Breakdown Number of reports on compliance Non-consolidated & Group companies -*1 -*1 -*1 28cases
Number of reports on corruption Non-consolidated & Group companies -*1 -*1 -*1 0cases
Number of violations related to corruption Non-consolidated & Group companies -*1 -*1 -*1 0cases
Number of harassment reports Non-consolidated & Group companies -*1 -*1 -*1 18cases
Number of harassment certifications Non-consolidated & Group companies -*1 -*1 -*1 4cases
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Amount of Tax Payment Total -*2 -*2 16,350million yen 18,995million yen
Japan -*2 -*2 7,345million yen 10,847million yen
United States -*2 -*2 793million yen 986million yen
Europe -*2 -*2 5,735million yen 2,433million yen
Asia -*2 -*2 2,090million yen 4,729million yen
Other areas -*2 -*2 387million yen 0
Related party transactions eliminated -*2 -*2 0 0
  • *1 Starting from the fiscal 2022, the Company discloses a breakdown of the number of consultations with the in-house reporting system.
  • *2 Beginning with the fiscal year ending March 2022, the calculation of country-by-country Reporting Items is based on the consolidated financial statements.