Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Strengthening Information Security

Strengthening IT Global Governance

Preparing for threats spreading around the world

Rebuilding our global network and bolstering our incident response structure

With the advance of globalization in modern society, companies are expanding their sites around the world and building international business networks. But with this comes expanded cyber security risks, at a global scale. Cyber attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and diverse, playing a part in conflicts or political disputes between nations, or as attacks for monetary gain by criminal organizations, and companies face an urgent need to take robust security measures in response. As the Mitsubishi Materials Group maintains Group companies and sites in 32 countries and regions around the world, it is necessary to not only prepare for these cyber attacks in Japan where our headquarters are located, but also across all our global operations.

Rebuilding our network

First of all, to counter the cyber threats faced by our companies, it is essential to rebuild our global network. In a conventional centralized network, an attack on central servers and data centers poses the risk of rendering the entire system dysfunctional. Preventing this requires the introduction of a distributed architecture. With a distributed architecture, each site is operated independently so that if one site is attacked other sites are not impacted. This improves the overall strength of security and distributes risks.

Standardization of security measures

Next, it is important to standardize security measures at a global scale. When each site employs individual security measures, those sites that fall behind in implementing measures become vulnerable and face a greater risk of being targeted by attackers. That is why it is necessary to formulate security policies that are unified across the Group and implement them consistently at each site. This makes it possible to maintain a uniform level of security overall and eliminate vulnerabilities at individual sites.
Additionally, network security functions can be provided as cloud services to apply consistent security policies even in distributed environments. This enables centralized security management for each site and remote worker, eliminates variability in security measures and maintains unified standards. Moreover, real-time threat intelligence can be utilized to provide the flexibility of being able to swiftly respond to the latest cyber threats.

Bolstering our incident response structure

Strengthening the incident response structure is another important part of security measures. We formulate incident response plans and clarify concrete response procedures to be followed in the event of a cyber incident. We also build information security systems that are operated globally and coordinate with administrators in each region to share information and develop unified response measures. By running drills and simulations on a regular basis, we boost employee response capabilities and verify the effectiveness of our plans. This enables us to respond in swift and accurate ways when an incident occurs to keep any damage to a minimum.


MMC, MBS, DFF Inc., Trans-Asia Inc., ideaship Inc., KPMGあずさサステナビリティ