Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Financial Risks

Grasping the Market Value of Assets Held and Confirming the Indication of Impairment of Fixed Assets

Grasping the market value of assets held and confirming the indication of impairment of fixed assets

Fluctuations in the market value of securities, land and other assets held by the Mitsubishi Materials Group could impact the Group's business results and financial status.
For this reason, we regularly monitor securities in terms of market prices and the financial status of issuers, and continuously reevaluate the status of our holding in light of our relationship with the issuer. Regarding the impairment of fixed assets, we also pursue the sale of unused land, and check for signs of impairment regarding business assets, such as by obtaining real estate appraisals as needed.

Status of Strategic Share Holdings

The Company has a policy of not acquiring or holding shares (StrategicShare Holdings) other than purely for investment purposes, except whenit is required for the business strategy.
With regard to Shares in the Form of Strategic Share Holdings, the appropriateness of such holdings shall be specifically reviewed and examined at a meeting of the Board of Directors on an annual basis. As a result of such reviews and examinations, the Company will reduce any Shares in the Form of Strategic Share Holdings if it is not deemed to be necessary to hold such shares.

Status of Strategic Share Holdings

Mar. 31, 2021 Mar. 31, 2022 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Status of Strategic Share Holdings Listed: 43 30 6 6
Unlisted: 106 99 56 54
Deemed share holdings: 4 3 2 1
Total amount: 153 132 64 61
Total price (billions of yen) Listed: 116.7 64.7 14.9 20.1
Unlisted: 2.8 6.1 2.3 2.2
Deemed share holdings: 17.6 13.7 7.9 8.7
Total amount: 137.2 84.7 25.3 31.2

Status of Holdings for FYE 2024

In the fiscal year ended March 2024, out of Strategic Share Holdings (six listed stocks held as of April 1, 2023), we sold all or part of two of the listed stocks and newly acquired one stock, resulting in a total of six listed stocks held as of the end of March 2024.
As of the end of March 2024, the amount of Strategic Share Holdings on the balance sheet was approximately ¥20.1 billion for listed stocks, approximately ¥2.2 billion for unlisted stocks, and approximately ¥8.7 billion for deemed share holdings of equity securities, totaling 4.6% of the Company’s consolidated net assets as of March 31, 2024.

Percentage of Strategic Share Holdings in Consolidated Net Assets


MMC, MBS, DFF Inc., Trans-Asia Inc., ideaship Inc., KPMGあずさサステナビリティ