Stakeholder Communication

Engaging in Dialog and Coexisting with Local Communities

Coexisting with Local Communities

Social Contribution Activities

Based on the corporate philosophy of "For People, Society and the Earth", the Mitsubishi Materials Group has adopted the vision of "Circulating resources for a sustainable future" and the mission of "Create a sustainable future (a prosperous, recycling-oriented and decarbonized society)," and has established "We will contribute to the development of each region and build a harmonious relationship of mutual prosperity with local communities" as a rule we must observe in our Code of Conduct.

Community Contribution Activity Policy

Since its establishment, the Mitsubishi Materials Group has maintained not only manufacturing sites but also procurement and sales offices and other facilities in Japan and other parts of the world, and we believe that we can continue that business by earning the trust of local communities. In order to carry on this idea of the Mitsubishi Materials Group and pass it on to the next generation, each of us must act in accordance with the expectations of our stakeholders and be aware of our social responsibility.
To this end, we will actively engage in contribution activities to solve issues in society such as nature conservation in each region, Diversity and Inclusion including next generation education support and minority support, and aim to coexist in harmony with local communities.
We will also fulfill our social responsibility by appropriately distributing earnings from our business activities to our stakeholders, including local communities.

Focus Areas

In line with our Corporate Philosophy, Our Mission, and Code of Conduct, we will focus on the following three areas to achieve sustainable business growth.

  1. Promotion of local environmental protection and conservation activities
  2. Supporting next-generation education and Diversity and Inclusion
  3. Coexistence with local communities

Through dialogue with each community and partner organization, we understand social needs and issues, and formulate and implement specific action measures to contribute to and resolve them.

We will continue to contribute to sustainable local communities by implementing the ongoing communication activities with local communities that have been conducted by each of the Mitsubishi Materials Group's sites.

(Establishment Date: July 21,2023)

Investments in community contribution activities

In fiscal 2023, Mitsubishi Materials’s non-consolidated expenditures on community social contribution activities totaled approximately 400 million yen*, including 390 million yen in donations, 11.15 million yen in services provided by employees, and 160 thousand yen in facility openings.

  • Amounts are based on calculation methods established by the Company.

New graduates' participation in community service activities

Based on the recognition that social contribution activities following the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake that occurred in March 2011 should be implemented not as a one-time event but on a permanent basis, we have established a program for all new graduates to participate in community service activities as part of their new employee training since fiscal year 2012.
From the beginning of their employment with us, we expect them to think about their relationship with society and raise their awareness of corporate social responsibility as a member of our Group.
In fiscal 2023, a total of 251 employees participated in cleanups, festivals, and sporting events.

Effective use of emergency food, drinking water, etc. that are due for renewal

Our offices and Group companies manage emergency food, drinking water, and other supplies for use in the event of an earthquake or other emergency. We donate emergency food, drinking water, and other supplies that are due for renewal to facilities and organizations in need.

Head Office

100 food items and 48 bottles of drinking water were donated to Japan Association for Refugees.
In addition, 5,300 meals and 954 bottles of drinking water were donated to 20 organizations through StockBase, a matching platform that allows companies to effectively use surplus stockpiled food and novelties for organizations in need.

Sanda Plant

1,630 food items were donated to a food drive organized by the Sanda City Chamber of Commerce and Industry and provided to a children's cafeteria in Sanda City.

PET Bottle Cap Recycling

Some of our Group offices and Group companies engage in activities to collect PET bottle caps. The collected PET bottle caps are purchased by collection businesses, part of the proceeds of which are donated to and used by social welfare organizations and cafeterias for needy children. Donations are also made to Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children, which runs initiatives to donate the polio vaccine, BCG (tuberculosis) vaccine and other vaccines to developing countries.

Participating Offices

  • Tohoku Power Service Station, Renewable Energy Business Division, Strategic Headquarters, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
  • Mitsubishi Materials Trading Corporation
  • MMC Tooling Co., Ltd.

Children’s Rights

As children and young people are in a weak social position and their rights are susceptible to exploitation, they require particular protection and consideration, and their support across society as a whole is important in ensuring the same rights as adults are acknowledged so they can expand their future potential and growth in a healthy manner.
In the Mitsubishi Materials Group, we respect the human rights of all people, and respect the rights of children, including not allowing child labor or any forms of forced labor.
The Company supports its employees in their roles as parents and care-givers to children, and has established a workplace environment that helps employees balance their work and child-rearing responsibilities.
The Group also provides support through donations and social contribution activities at its operating sites so that children and young people can grow by fully developing their innate abilities.

Examples of activities:

  • Accepting tours and internships from day care facilities, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, special needs schools and other educational institutions
  • Plant tours for family members at the Sambo Plant
  • Loaning of facilities to youth sports groups at the Naoshima Smelter & Refinery
  • Donating of PCs to elementary schools by MMC Metal De Mexico, S.A. De C.V. and MMC Hardmetal (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
  • Donating bicycles to disadvantaged children on Children’s Day in Thailand by Otec (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
  • Repairing school equipment using materials purchased through volunteer donations at MMC Tools (Thailand), Co., Ltd.
  • Donations
    To the Approved Specified Non-Profit Organization Katariba by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
    To the Children’s Cancer Association of Japan by Mitsubishi Materials Trading Corporation
    To Japan Committee for UNICEF by Hosokura Metal Mining Co., Ltd.

Related Articles:


Main Recognition for the Mitsubishi Materials Group’s Activities

Main Awards and Commendations from Outside Organizations in Fiscal 2023

Recipient Awarding body or organization Details
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Sakai Plant East Japan Railway Company Letter of Appreciation Early delivery of trolley wire for Tohoku Shinkansen as a response for restoration after the March 2022 Fukushima Prefecture offshore earthquake
MM Copper Products Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corp. Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 60th Society Award
Technical Award
Construction Equipment Division
(Consecutive awards)
Construction (geothermal) of 'Environmental and Facilities Planning and Implementation at Yokohama City Hall'
Geothermal Research Society of Japan "Fiscal 2023 Geothermal Research Society of Japan"
Annual Paper Award
(Consecutive awards)
Assessment of the impact of geothermal applications on subsurface micro-organisms
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Naoshima Smelter & Refinery Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Fiscal 2023 Award of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the field of science and technology.
Prize for Creativity and Ingenuity
Improved verticality of seed plates by preventing them from bouncing up during caulking
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Japan Cutting & Wear-resistant Tool Association Japan Cutting & Wear-resistant Tool Association Award Fiscal 2023
"Environmental Award."
Establish a high-level organizational structure based on an environmental management system, which implements and fosters Company-wide efforts to prevent global warming and reduce waste in particular
MOLDINO Tool Engineering, Ltd. Japan Cutting & Wear-resistant Tool Association Japan Cutting & Wear-resistant Tool Association Award Fiscal 2023
Technical Achievement Award
Development of the carbide OH non-step borer 40-50WHNSB
Monozukuri Japan Council, THE NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN, LTD. 2022 Super Monozukuri Component Award
Machinery and Robot Components Award
"Carbide OH non-step borer 40-50WHNSB" for crossed deep hole drilling
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Sambo Plant
Japan Institute of Copper, Japan Copper and Brass Association 56th Annual Paper Award Development of the next generation of lead-free free-cutting alpha + beta brass
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Innovation Center, Sanda Plant Japan Fine Ceramics Association Technology Promotion Award Development of sintered silver paste for pressure-free bonding to Cu substrates
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Innovation Center, Wakamatsu Plant Japan Copper and Brass Association Fiscal 2022 Technical Award Development and practical mass production of MSP5 copper alloy for small terminals for automotive applications
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Innovation Center Japan Institute of Copper, Japan Copper and Brass Association 56th Annual Paper Award
(Consecutive awards)
Variation of dislocation parameters with low temperature annealing conditions in solid solution strengthened copper alloys and their effect on stress relaxation properties
The Ceramic Society of Japan Technical Encouragement Award Application of liquid-phase deposition technology to protective films and complex functionalization
Japan Mining Industry Association (JMIA) Japan Mining Industry Association Award Improved properties of lead zirconate titanate thin films for MEMS
PT. Smelting Ministry of Environment & Forestry, Republic of Indonesia 2021-2022 PROPER program.
Green Rating
Rating in a program to assess a company's environmental management performance (rated in the order gold, green, blue, red and black)"


Our Approach to Society

Signing of the UN Global Compact

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and was registered as a participating company as of March 22, 2022. In addition, it has joined the Global Compact Network Japan, the UNGC's local network in Japan.


The UNGC is a voluntary initiative in which companies and organizations act as good members of society and participate in the creation of a global framework for realizing sustainable growth by demonstrating responsible and creative leadership. The companies and organizations that sign the UNGC are required to observe and practice the Ten Principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, which are set forth by the UNGC.
The vision of the Mitsubishi Materials Group is to "become the leading business group committed to creating a sustainable world through materials innovation, with use of our unique and distinctive technologies" based on its corporate philosophy of "For People, Society and the Earth" and we intend to more actively and positively promote sustainability as exemplified by the establishment of a new Sustainability Policy (URL: as of December 1, 2021.

We will support the Ten Principles of the UNGC and practice them in our business activities, thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

  • This data is only available in Japanese on the website.
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
Human Rights
  • Principle 1:
    Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  • Principle 2:
    make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3:
    Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • Principle 4:
    the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  • Principle 5:
    the effective abolition of child labour; and
  • Principle 6:
    the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7:
    Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • Principle 8:
    undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  • Principle 9:
    encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10:
    Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Donations to Organizations That are Addressing Social Issues

We take the Group's 150th anniversary, which we celebrated in 2021, as an opportunity to make the donations and provide ongoing support, with the aim of supporting organizations addressing social issues proactively, towards achieving our corporate philosophy, "For People, Society and the Earth."
We selected recipients of the donations from among organizations engaged in activities consistent with our corporate philosophy to solve social issues, with a particular focus on those that support children, students, or refugees, while also considering their relationships with us, among other factors.

Organizations Supporting Children or Students

International Volunteer University Student Association

Under the vision of "a society to live together," this organization plans and implements volunteer activities for solving social issues, with the leading role played by approximately 2,500 students from 80 universities across Japan as its members.

Katariba (Approved Specified Non-Profit Organization)

This organization engages in activities to deliver various educational opportunities to children with the aim of creating a society where "No matter what environment they grew up in, they should be able to develop their motivation and creativity to make their own future."

Organizations Supporting Refugees

Japan Association for Refugees (JAR)

This organization supports refugees who have fled to Japan from conflicts, human rights abuses, or other forms of persecution, so that they can live in a new land with a sense of security, aiming to build an inclusive society.

Nonprofit Corporation WELgee

This organization co-creates shared value for Japanese society and those refugees who have fled to Japan, aiming for a society where refugees and Japanese can build a future together, regardless of their circumstances.
We also use and collaborate with one of the organization's activities, a career program that accompanies the training, recruiting, and retention of refugee talents.