Retainment and Utilization of Human Capital

Talent Retention and Development

Development and Empowerment of Diverse Talents

Development and Empowerment of Diverse Talents

Basic Approach to Human Capital

The Group has set out “Our Commitment” of “For people, society and the earth, circulating resources for a sustainable future”. We recognize that through our business activities it is people who drive the implementation of Our Commitment and create new value. We believe that this is the source of the Group’s sustainable growth.
We regard talents not as just resources or costs but as capital, and recently we have worked to support the growth of talents through various investments in Human Resources Transformation (HRX). For example, we work to accelerate the talent development, promote autonomous career development, and visualize human resources information through the introduction of a talent management system. Looking ahead, we will pursue HRX initiatives in greater depth, and pursue investment into human capital, advancing our human resource strategies of “maximizing the value of human resources and creating an organization dedicated to winning” and “building a foundation for co-creation and growth”, thereby achieving growth both for individuals and the Group, and enhancing corporate value.

Status of Employment at the Mitsubishi Materials Group (As of March 31, 2023)

Number of Employees (full-time equivalent)

Subject Employees Temporary Staff
Non-consolidated 5,450 958
Consolidated 18,576 2,765
Japan 11,436
Overseas 7,140

Employee Numbers According to Location (consolidated)

Location Employees
Japan 11,436
North America 744
South America 47
Oceania 12
Europe 1,182
East Asia 754
Southeast Asia 4,401
Total 18,576

Recruitment (Recruits for fiscal 2023) (Non-consolidated)

Subject Graduate Recruitment Experienced Recruitment
University graduates (including graduate school) High school graduates
Men 73 58 68
Women 21 15 8
Total 94* 73* 76
  • This figure has already obtained third-party assurance in the ESG Report 2022.

Employees Who Left the Company for Their Own Reasons (employees who left the company in fiscal 2023) (Non-consolidated)

Subject Aged under 30 Aged 30-49 Aged 50 or over Total
Number of employees who left the company for their own reasons Men 55 49 19 123
Women 9 7 0 16
Total 64 56 19 139
Percentage of employees who left the company for their own reasons Men 5.8% 2.2% 1.1% 2.5%
Women 4.4% 2.0% 0% 2.2%
Total 5.6% 2.2% 1.0% 2.5%



Development of Diverse Talents

Development of Talents

Talent Development System

In April 2022 we introduced a new talent development system. This system consists of “Professional-common training (Training common to professional talent),” which is aimed at developing management skills related to people and organizations, “MMC Core Training” for learning matters related to safety and health (S), legal compliance and the environment (C), and quality (Q) as well as our technologies and strategies, “training for selected employees”, “career design training, and personal development support plans”, etc. In particular, we believe that it is important that every employee thinks autonomously about their own career and expertise, and develops their abilities in a proactive manner. We have developed environments for autonomous learning, provide opportunities for employees to reflect on their own careers and reaffirm their own growth and contributions to the organization, and provide training opportunities for employees to learn management skills to suit their respective roles. To achieve these aims, we operate educational activities based on the provision of an online learning video service and other endeavors.
Through these initiatives to develop talent, we make every effort to contribute to fostering an organizational culture of adapting flexibly and promptly to changes in society and business environment and taking on challenges. Additionally, going forward we will continually update the details of training to reflect the status and needs of the organization. 

Talent Development System (non-consolidated)

Talent Development System (non-consolidated)

Employee Training (non-consolidated)

Annual total hours of training

Annual total hours of training
Average hours per employee
118,565 hours 18.6 hours
  • Subjects of the above data for education and training program hours include non-regular employees as well as regular employees.
  • The above disclosures include data for employees belonging to the Polycrystalline silicon business.

Next-Generation Leadership Talent Development Program

We established the training system: “Next-Generation Leadership Talent Development Program” in fiscal 2006, and have developed future leaders with the aim of training qualified candidates for Executive Officer positions. Against the backdrop of promoting a complete in-house company system and human resource reforms, we revised the program in fiscal 2023. Under the new program, we will select high-potential talent from younger generations, and shifting from the previous training-centered approach, formulate development plans that emphasizes work experience. With this as a basis, we are developing future leadership talents with cross-divisional and Group-wide perspectives.  

Ratio of candidates on the Next-Generation Leadership Talent Development Program to successors of Executive Officers


Leadership Values in the Mitsubishi Materials Group

In February 2016, the Group clarified the competencies and skills it was looking for as a guideline for the development of leaders in the form of the Leadership Values in the Mitsubishi Materials Group (hereinafter “Leadership Values”).
An important element in the Leadership Values is “Integrity and Spirit of a Leader.” The Group has operating roots in coal mining and the mining industry, and we place importance on the strong sense of mission and responsibility that leaders must have to be entrusted with the lives and safety of employees, even at worksites that can be life-threatening. The Leadership Values represent universal values handed down throughout the Group and were formulated after careful discussion by top management. The Leadership Values have been adopted as an evaluation indicator in the evaluation system for management-level employees, and encourage upper management to promote awareness reform and embody them within the Group.